Annual Council - 19th May 2017

Meeting Information
Meeting Date
Start Time
End Time
Meeting Venue
Council Chamber
    Agenda Item
    CL 170519 Agenda
    Attachment Size
    CL 170519 AGENDA.pdf (PDF, 348.25KB) 348.25 KB
    Agenda Item
    CL 170519 Constitution Update
    Attachment Size
    CL 170519 Constitution Update.pdf (PDF, 217.66KB) 217.66 KB
    0 CONSTITUTION CONTENTS.pdf (PDF, 497.07KB) 497.07 KB
    1 - Part 1 - Summary and Explanation.pdf (PDF, 384.97KB) 384.97 KB
    2 - Part 2 - Articles.pdf (PDF, 485.57KB) 485.57 KB
    3 - Part 3 - Responsibility for Functions and Delegation of Powers.pdf (PDF, 416.71KB) 416.71 KB
    3A - Council Meeting Rules of Procedure.pdf (PDF, 485.6KB) 485.6 KB
    3B - Full Council.pdf (PDF, 441.29KB) 441.29 KB
    3Ba - Role Descriptions for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 371.66KB) 371.66 KB
    3C - Cabinet etc.pdf (PDF, 390.46KB) 390.46 KB
    3Ca - Leader and Deputy Leaders' Responsibilities.pdf (PDF, 270.33KB) 270.33 KB
    3Cb - Joint LEP Supervisory Board.pdf (PDF, 383.8KB) 383.8 KB
    3D - Appeals Panel.pdf (PDF, 401.26KB) 401.26 KB
    3E - Audit Committee.pdf (PDF, 385.29KB) 385.29 KB
    3Ea - Audit (approval of Statement of Accounts) Committee.pdf (PDF, 377.06KB) 377.06 KB
    3F - Complaints Panel.pdf (PDF, 373.82KB) 373.82 KB
    3G - Licensing Committee.pdf (PDF, 403.73KB) 403.73 KB
    3Ga - Licensing General Sub-Committee.pdf (PDF, 380.33KB) 380.33 KB
    3Gb - Licensing & Gambling Acts Sub-Committees.pdf (PDF, 383.8KB) 383.8 KB
    3H - Planning Committee.pdf (PDF, 333.19KB) 333.19 KB
    3Ha - Development Plan Committee.pdf (PDF, 374.25KB) 374.25 KB
    3Ia - Scrutiny (Promoting Local Economic Growth) Committee.pdf (PDF, 289.01KB) 289.01 KB
    3Ib - Scrutiny (Protecting and Strengthening Communities) Committee.pdf (PDF, 290.42KB) 290.42 KB
    3Ic - Scrutiny (East Staffordshire Health) Committee.pdf (PDF, 378.16KB) 378.16 KB
    3Id - Scrutiny (Value for Money Council Services) Committee.pdf (PDF, 379.9KB) 379.9 KB
    3Ie - Joint LEP Scrutiny Committee.pdf (PDF, 377.58KB) 377.58 KB
    3J - Senior Officer Employment Committee (2).pdf (PDF, 382.02KB) 382.02 KB
    3K - Standards Committee.pdf (PDF, 387.19KB) 387.19 KB
    3Z - Officers.pdf (PDF, 381.4KB) 381.4 KB
    3Za - Management Structure.pdf (PDF, 458.92KB) 458.92 KB
    3Zb - Statutory Officers.pdf (PDF, 382.49KB) 382.49 KB
    3Zc - Proper Officers.pdf (PDF, 450.38KB) 450.38 KB
    4 - Part 4 - Procedures.pdf (PDF, 376.73KB) 376.73 KB
    4A - Access to Information Procedures.pdf (PDF, 474.66KB) 474.66 KB
    4Aa - Freedom of Information Policy.pdf (PDF, 483.49KB) 483.49 KB
    4Ab - Data Protection Policy.pdf (PDF, 378.46KB) 378.46 KB
    4B - Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy.pdf (PDF, 408.4KB) 408.4 KB
    4C - Complaints Procedure.pdf (PDF, 392.1KB) 392.1 KB
    4D - Contract Procedure Rules.pdf (PDF, 676.78KB) 676.78 KB
    4E - Corporate Governance Statement.pdf (PDF, 376.19KB) 376.19 KB
    4F - Disciplinary Procedures for Chief Officers.pdf (PDF, 406.31KB) 406.31 KB
    4G - Disciplinary Procedures for Statutory Officers.pdf (PDF, 414.82KB) 414.82 KB
    4H - Financial Regulations.pdf (PDF, 474.17KB) 474.17 KB
    4I - Officer Employment Rules.pdf (PDF, 374.01KB) 374.01 KB
    4J - Petitions Scheme.pdf (PDF, 412.64KB) 412.64 KB
    4K - Simple Guide to Decision-Making.pdf (PDF, 489.13KB) 489.13 KB
    4L - Standards Committee Complaint Procedures.pdf (PDF, 531.08KB) 531.08 KB
    4M - Dispensations Process and Form.pdf (PDF, 663.69KB) 663.69 KB
    4N - Whistle-blowing Policy.pdf (PDF, 499.54KB) 499.54 KB
    4O - Indemnities for Officers and Councillors.pdf (PDF, 368.96KB) 368.96 KB
    5 - Part 5 - Codes of Conduct.pdf (PDF, 350.2KB) 350.2 KB
    5A - Code of Conduct for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 541.05KB) 541.05 KB
    5B - Code of Conduct for Officers.pdf (PDF, 565.57KB) 565.57 KB
    5C - Protocol for Councillor and Officer Relations.pdf (PDF, 421.08KB) 421.08 KB
    5D - Gifts and Hospitality Code for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 404.88KB) 404.88 KB
    5E - Planning Code for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 509.69KB) 509.69 KB
    5F - Councillors Call for Action Guidance.pdf (PDF, 566.49KB) 566.49 KB
    5G - Social Media Policy for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 402.05KB) 402.05 KB
    6 - Part 6 - Councillors Allowance Scheme.pdf (PDF, 397.09KB) 397.09 KB
    7 - Part 7 - Record of Amendments.pdf (PDF, 345.86KB) 345.86 KB
    Agenda Item