The Burton upon Trent High Street Project is based on the below masterplan, which was submitted to Government as part of the Council's Levelling Up Fund bid in August 2022:

Existing Investment (Green)

1. Bargates Redevelopment - private sector led

2. Washlands Enhancement Project

3. Station Street Regeneration Project

4. High Street renewal project (Purple)

Towns Fund High Street Investment (Blue) - complete by March 2026

5.   8 Town Houses

6.   22 First Homes for Keyworkers

7.   Burton Heritage Centre / Museum

8.   Landscaped public courtyard

9.   Washlands Visitor and Education Centre

10.  Water tower viewing platform and access

11.  Library cladding and canopy enhancements

12.  Garden of Remembrance enhancements (£0.05m)

13.  Andressey Passage enhancements (£0.025m)

Levelling Up Fund Bid Investment (Red) - complete by March 2025

14.  Multi-activity Indoor Leisure Facility

15.  Bass House renewal and refurbishment

16.  Market Quarter investment

Other Investment

17.  Various car park enhancements

18.  Future improvement area (Yellow)

Map showing investment plan in Burton

The purpose of the High Street Project is to regenerate the riverside area between the High Street and the Washlands, running from the Market Place up to the Burton Bridge, creating new and exciting ways for people to enjoy this area and looking to improve the linkages between the riverside and the town centre.

Following the closure of the National Brewery Centre, the Council has been working with its Heritage Working Group to develop a vision for creating a new National Museum of Brewery alongside the proposed Burton upon Trent Heritage Centre, ahead of developing a more detailed business case proposal for the project.

The Vision Statement was issued on 1st December 2022 and can be downloaded.

More information on the next steps for the High Street Museum Project and the temporary National Archive Centre will be published in due course.