You can get Council Tax Reduction if:

  • You are responsible for paying the Council Tax bill.
  • You are on a low income whether from benefits or low-paid work.
  • You (and your partner) don't have more than £16,000 in savings and capital, unless you are getting Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit).

If you have a partner we will include their income and savings as well when we work out how much Council Tax Reduction you can get.

You get less Council Tax Reduction if you are working-age than if you are pension-age.

Claim Council Tax Reduction

Work out how much Council Tax Support you might get

You can't get Council Tax Reduction if any of the following apply:

  • If you are an asylum seeker, unless you have been given refugee status or indefinite or exceptional leave (also called discretionary or humanitarian leave) to remain in the United Kingdom.
  • If you have been admitted to the United Kingdom on condition that you have 'no recourse to public funds'. This means that you must not claim benefits.
  • If you are a sponsored immigrant and have lived here for less than five years, unless your sponsor has died.
  • If you are in the United Kingdom illegally or your permission to stay has run out.