In short, yes. CCE Officers are authorised under a borough wide Public Space Protection Order to ask to see any dog walkers receptacle. A suitable receptacle is defined as any poop-scoop bag or the equivalent capable of holding faeces for disposal in a litter bin. If you are unable to produce a suitable receptacle when requested by a Community and Civil Enforcement Officer, or similarly choose not to, you will be subject to a Fixed Penalty Notice. If left unpaid this will be escalated to the Magistrates Court.
What legislation applies?
Under Section 68 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, East Staffordshire Borough Council has implemented a borough wide Public Space Protection Order. As a person who is in charge of a dog, this requires you to carry a suitable receptacle for picking up dog faeces.
Why are cat or horse owners not fined?
Whilst all animal produce waste can carry bacteria it is dog waste that presents the biggest potential threat as dog faeces can carry eggs from parasites that cause Toxocariasis, which can cause blindness in some cases.
So why dogs?
Dog owners are liable as all dogs should be walked by an owner and monitored during the walk. Dogs are also walked in very common human activity areas such as parks. Cats tend to be litter trained and will less likely foul in common human activity areas and will bury it when they do foul.