Council 12 December 2022

Meeting Information
Meeting Date
Start Time
End Time
Meeting Venue
Coltman VC Room, Town Hall, Burton upon Trent
    Agenda Item
    Agenda Item
    Item 06 - Appointment of an Independent Remuneration Panel
    Agenda Item
    Item 8 - Review of the Constitution
    Attachment Size
    0 CONSTITUTION CONTENTS.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    1 - Part 1 - Summary and Explanation.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    2 - Part 2 - Articles 2.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3 - Part 3 - Responsibility for Functions and Delegation of Powers.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3B - Full Council.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3Ba - Role Descriptions for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3C - Cabinet etc.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3Ca - Leader and Cabinet Member Responsibilities.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3Cb - Joint LEP Supervisory Board.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3D - Appeals Panel.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3E- Audit (approval of Statement of Accounts) Committee.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3Ea - Audit Committee.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3F - Complaints Panel.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3G - Licensing Committee.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3Ga - Licensing General Sub-Committee.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3Gb - Licensing & Gambling Acts Sub-Committees.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3H - Planning Committee.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3Ha - Development Plan Committee.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3Ia - Scrutiny (Value for Money Council Services) Committee.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3Ib - Scrutiny (Community Regeneration) Committee.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3Ic - Scrutiny (Environment and Health and Wellbeing) Committee.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3J - Chief Officer Standards Committee.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3K - Standards Committee.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3Z - Officers.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3Za - Chief Officer Structure.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3Zb - Statutory Officers.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    3Zc - Proper Officers.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    4 - Part 4 - Procedures.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    4A - Access to Information Procedures.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    4Aa - Freedom of Information Policy.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    4Ab - Data Protection Policy.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    4C - Complaints Procedure.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    4F - Disciplinary Procedures for Chief Officers -.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    4G - Disciplinary Procedures for Statutory Officers -.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    4J - Petitions Scheme.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    4K - Simple Guide to Decision-Making.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    4L - Standards Committee Complaint Procedures.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    4M - Dispensations Process and Form.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    4O - Indemnities for Officers and Councillors.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    5 - Part 5 - Codes of Conduct.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    5a - Code of Conduct for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    5C - Protocol for Councillor and Officer Relations.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    5D - Gifts and Hospitality Code for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    5E - Planning Code for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    5F - Councillors Call for Action Guidance.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    5G - Social Media Policy for Councillors.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    6 - Part 6 - Councillors Allowance Scheme.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    7 - Part 7 - Record of Amendments.pdf (PDF, 0bytes) bytes
    Agenda Item
    Item 09 - Mid Year Treasury Management Report 2022/23
    Agenda Item
    Item 10 - Urgent Decision EDR 517/22 Twelve Month Fixed Price Gas Contract