Commercial Noise

Noise from industrial / commercial premises can be from vehicles, general banging, clattering, operational activity or even the site radio. This can cause noise disturbance particularly if there are residential homes near by or activity continues through the night.

It is not always possible for a site to reduce noise, sometimes they are doing as much as they can. However we can investigate these complaints and take action where necessary.

Restrictions may also be in place through planning conditions on certain premises.

Construction Noise

A certain amount of noise from construction sites is to be expected and to a certain extent tolerated. However, contractors and developers must work in line with a code of practice.

We are only likely to investigate a case if we feel that this code is being breached or not being followed at all.  Restrictions may also be in place from planning to control the working hours on the site.

The Council does not have a 24 hour call out service for responding to Statutory Nuisance complaints.  Should you be affected by nuisance noise outside of office hours this should be reported to Environmental Health the next working day, please note the Councils emergency phone line is not to be used in these cases.  Breach of the peace, violence/fights and/or Anti Social Behaviour should be reported to the Police.

What is our noise complaint procedure?

Download the commercial and construction noise leaflet to find out our complaint procedure.

Submit a complaint

Having read the complaint leaflet above, if you feel the problem has the potential to cause a Statutory Nuisance, please complete the complaint form or contact the Pollution Team.

Submit a complaint