What are our fees?

Search fees are as follows:

Service New Fee From 1st April 2024
Residential* LLC1 - Local Land Charges Register only £33.30 (vat not applicable)
Commercial** LLC1 - Local Land Charges Register only £73.20 (vat not applicable)
Additional parcel of land - LLC1 £1.30 * (vat not applicable)
Residential* Con29 (required form) £79.92 (vat included)
Commercial** Con29 (required form) £135.96 (vat included)
Additional parcel of land - Con29 £60.18 * (vat included)
Residential* full standard search (LLC1 + Con29) £113.22 (vat included on Con29 element only)
Commercial** full standard search (LLC1 + Con29) £209.16 (vat included on Con29 element only)
Con29O each enquiry (optional form) £22.56 (vat included)
Additional parcel of land - full search £66.82 (see above * for calculations)


* = Residential: To include individual dwellings including houses, bungalows and self contained flats either in residential or holiday use where the vendor is a private individual.

It would also include individual building plots for residential properties where the site is either currently vacant or under construction.

** = Commercial: All other types of search