Community and Civil Enforcement Team Win Appeals in Court Hearings

The Community and Civil Enforcement team at East Staffordshire Borough Council have successfully won an appeal against a man who acted against a Public Space Protection Order and failed to produce a receptacle for dog waste.

The man was fined and awarded costs against him in the sum of £1,911.38

East Staffordshire Borough Council takes a 'Zero Tolerance' approach to dog related issues across the Borough. The Community and Civil Enforcement Team work hard to both speak to and educate the public on various dog related issues, in addition to enforcing where necessary.

Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO), previously Dog Control Orders, give the Police and local authority extra powers to control dog related anti-social behaviour.

One condition which applies to the whole of the East Staffordshire Borough is 'failure to provide a receptacle to pick up dog faeces'. A person who is in charge of a dog has to carry a receptacle for picking up dog faeces. This is not always the owner of the dog.

For more information regarding the Public Space Protection Order for the control of dogs, please visit the Council’s website:

The Community and Civil Enforcement team were also successful in an appeal against a woman found guilty of fly-tipping. The fly-tipper was fined and awarded costs against her in the sum of £668.

Fly-tipping is an offence under Section 33 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and can be reported on the Council’s website: