Final Consultation on Plans for Regenerating the Maltings

East Staffordshire Borough Council is bringing forward proposals to re-energise Uttoxeter High Street, through an exciting regeneration of The Maltings. Before taking plans any further, the Council will be holding a series of public consultation events with residents on two ­concept proposals, based on previous feedback.

Cllr Rob Hawkins, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development, said: “I am pleased to be able to present the latest plans for the Maltings which offer an exciting vison for the site.”

“I would urge residents to help shape the future of Uttoxeter by sharing their thoughts on the Maltings development at one of several public consultation events over the summer. The regeneration of the Maltings is an important step in the development of Uttoxeter town centre and I urge residents to voice their opinions throughout this consultation period. Residents will not be disappointed by the plans!”

Following the public consultation period, the Council will finalise plans for the site before submitting these for planning approval later in the year.

You can find out about each of these proposals by clicking on the link to our webpages: