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Tatenhill and Rangemore Neighbourhood Plan Update October 2019

On 4th October 2019, East Staffordshire Borough Council resolved that the Tatenhill and Rangemore Neighbourhood Plan as modified be ‘made’. The modified plan replaces the previous Neighbourhood Plan and it now formally becomes part of the Borough Council’s Development Plan.  It will be used to guide planning decisions in Tatenhill and Rangemore Parish.

Tatenhill and Rangemore Neighbourhood Plan

Tatenhill and Rangemore Neighbourhood Plan - January 2019

Tatenhill and Rangemore Parish Council have decided to update the Neighbourhood Plan and following a period of consultation in the summer 2018, have submitted the updated plan and associated documents. East Staffordshire Borough Council are now consulting on the updated plan for a period of 6 weeks.

The relevant documents can be viewed below:

The consultation runs from Friday 11th January until 17:00 on Friday 22nd February. Please send any representations to

Tatenhill and Rangemore Neighbourhood Plan has now been ‘made’

On 1st February 2016, East Staffordshire Borough Council resolved that the Tatenhill and Rangemore Neighbourhood Plan be ‘made’ and it now formally becomes part of the Borough Council’s Development Plan.  It will be used to guide planning decisions in Tatenhill and Rangemore Parish

Made Tatenhill and Rangemore Neighbourhood Development Plan (February 2016)

Tatenhill and Rangemore Neighbourhood Development Plan Decision Statement

Tatenhill & Rangemore say ‘Yes’ at their referendum

On January 28th 2016, Tatenhill & Rangemore voters overwhelmingly said ‘Yes’ to their Neighbourhood Plan, when nearly half the electorate turned out and 92% voted in favour of the Borough Council “making” the Plan and using it to help decide planning applications.

The full statistics are:

251 votes cast

230 YES

21 NO

0  Rejected

91.63% said YES

Turnout:  45.71%  (No. eligible to vote:  549)

Tatenhill and Rangemore Neighbourhood Plan Referendum – Thursday 28th January 2016

The Tatenhill and Rangemore Neighbourhood Plan was independently examined earlier this year and the Examiner recommended that, subject to some modifications, the Plan should proceed to Referendum.  The Borough Council agrees with the Examiner’s report and voted to progress the Plan to Referendum at the Cabinet meeting on 14th December 2015.                 

The Neighbourhood Plan and other background documents are available via the links below or in Tatenhill and Rangemore Parish:

The ‘specified documents’ are:

The Neighbourhood plan group have also prepared a summary of the plan for information.

Location Viewing Times
 Tatenhill Village Hall, Main Street, Tatenhill, DE13 9SD

 Telephone 01283 542933 for opening times

 Burton upon Trent Library, Riverside, Burton upon Trent DE14 1AH

8.30am - 9.00pm Monday – Saturday (8.00pm Thursday & 4.30pm Saturday)

** Following Full Council on the 7th December 2015, Tatenhill Parish has been renamed 'Tatenhill and Rangemore Parish'. For clarity prior to referendum, the Neighbourhood Plan has been renamed the 'Tatenhill and Rangemore Neighbourhood Plan'. This change does not affect the Neighbourhood Plan area or the content of the plan.

Tatenhill Neighbourhood Plan Second Examination

The revised Tatenhill and Rangemore Neighbourhood Plan was examined by Mr Nigel McGurk in October and November.  His report and representations made during the second consultation period can be found below:

Tatenhill Neighbourhood Plan Independent Examiners Report

Representations made during the August – September 2015 Consultation

Second consultation of the Tatenhill and Rangemore Neighbourhood Plan

At the East Staffordshire Borough Council Cabinet meeting on Monday 17th August 2015 the council resolved to publish a decision statement that sends the Tatenhill Neighbourhood plan back to Submission Consultation.  Retreating to submission consultation is the result of significant changes made to the plan, contrary to the examiners recommendations.  A full explanation of the process by which the plan has been amended and retreated to Submission Consultation can be found here.

Therefore in accordance with section 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 East Staffordshire Borough Council hereby invite feedback from organisations and individuals on the amended Tatenhill Neighbourhood Development Plan.  The consultation period has now closed. The consultation period lasted for 6 weeks and ran from Wednesday 19th August 2015 to Wednesday 30th September 2015 at 12 noon.

The Neighbourhood Development Plan is split into three main documents:

It is the responsibility of the Borough Council to collate all the representations and pass them on to the independent examiner, who will look at them and the plan documents when assessing whether the plan meets the legislation and can therefore proceed to referendum.  It is estimated that the amended Neighbourhood Plan will be examined in early October 2015.

Comments can be made by filling in the representation form (please contact us for a word version of this form if required) and emailing it to the Neighbourhood Planning team: (link sends e-mail)

Or by post to Planning Policy, East Staffordshire Borough Council, PO Box 8045, Burton upon Trent, DE14 9LG

Tatenhill Neighbourhood Plan Independent Examination

The Tatenhill Neighbourhood Development Plan has recently been examined by independent examiner Nigel McGurk. A link to the examination report can be found below.  ESBC will consider the recommendations in the report and a decision statement will be published in the near future.

Tatenhill Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report

Representations made on the Submission Plan.

Tatenhill Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultation

In accordance with section 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, East Staffordshire Borough Council hereby invite feedback from organisations and individuals on the Tatenhill Neighbourhood Development Plan. The consultation period lasted for six weeks and ran from Monday 9th June 2014 to Monday 21st July 2014 at 12 noon.

A draft version of the document underwent consultation from October 2013 to January 2014 by Tatenhill Parish Council. comments made to the Parish Council from that consultation helped inform changes to the document submitted to East Staffordshire Borough Council. The Neighbourhood Development Plan, written by Tatenhill Parish Council and community group proposes a number of policies on housing, recreation, landscape and countryside.

The Neighbourhood Development Plan is split into three main documents:

It is the responsibility of the borough council to collate all the representations and pass them on to the independent examiner, who will examine them and the plan documents when assessing whether the plan meets the legislation and can therefore proceed to referendum.

The consultation on the Draft Tatenhill Neighbourhood Plan closed on Friday 20th December 2013.


Along with ten other parishes in East Staffordshire Tatenhill was designated a Neighbourhood Area in December 2012 and was also awarded £20,000 of front runner money to assist the parish in writing the plan.

Letter from Tatenhill Parish Council and Neighbourhood Plan Map