Despite the best efforts of businesses and the Council, there are some locations around East Staffordshire which suffer with build ups of litter. Litter is unsightly and makes our local areas look untidy and uncared for, it can also take years to degrade, causing harm to wildlife and its inhabitants and encourage vermin.

If you wish to make a difference to the area you live, work or visit by organising your own voluntary litter pick please read the advice below.

Litter picks can be organised individually or in conjunction with your Town or Parish Council, Business, Local Community Group or School/ College.

Advice for the organiser of community litter picks.

Prior to your litter pick

  • Obtain Public Liability Insurance to protect yourself and others from legal liability arising from accidental damage or injury that may occur during the litter pick.
  • Identify an area you wish to litter pick.
  • Get permission from the landowner.
  • Visit the site and carry out a full assessment of the risks.
  • Choose a date when you can rally your volunteers to assist in the litter pick.
  • Contact East Staffordshire Borough Council using the form below who may be able to assist in providing advice, loaning equipment and collecting the bags of litter.

On the day of the litter pick

  • Brief all of your volunteers.
  • Go through your completed risk assessment, highlighting any identified risks and precautions to take.
  • Show how to use the equipment and distribute it to your volunteers.
  • Clarify the agreed area to litter pick, where to leave bags of collected litter and the start/ finish times.
  • Provide first aid procedures and an emergency contact number.
  • Share the results of your litter pick by taking and posting online before and after photos.

How East Staffordshire Borough Council can help you?

The Community and Civil Enforcement department can loan you a number of high visibility vests, litter pickers, bin bags, bin bag hoops, provide disposable gloves and bin bags. They can also provide you with a copy of a community litter picking risk assessment, to aid you in the completion of yours. They will also liaise with the Council's Waste Management department to collect the bags of collected litter after your litter pick.

The Council requires a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice prior to the date of the community litter pick. Please note, we cannot guarantee equipment will be available on your prefered date. 

To apply to carry out a litter pick in your area, please complete the below form.

Click here to submit a litter pick contact form