Works to a property may require planning permission. In the first instance you should check whether the works proposed are permitted under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (No.2) (England) (Order) 2008, therefore not requiring planning permission.

You can do this by using the interactive house feature on the Planning Portal website.

It should be noted that there are some extra criteria if your property is located within a conservation area, which mean that some works may require planning permission where houses not located within a conservation area would not.

For example household extensions within a conservation area may require planning permission for the proposed works if they include any of the following:

  • Demolition of buildings which are over a certain size.
  • Cladding of any part of the exterior of the building, for example render, pebble dash or timber.
  • If the extension would be on the side elevation of the dwelling.
  • If the extension has more than one storey and is at the rear of the dwelling.
  • Additions or alterations to the roof of the property or it would consist of or include construction or provision of a veranda, balcony or raised platform or installation, alteration or replacement of a chimney, flue or soil and vent pipe.
  • If the development is situated on land between a wall forming a side elevation of the dwelling house and the boundary.
  • If a flue/chimney installed on a wall or roof slope that fronts a highway and forms a principal or side elevation of a dwelling house.
  • Antennas on a chimney or wall and visible from the highway or on a building that exceeds 15 metres in height.

Any changes you make to a property through repairs, maintenance or alterations, should be in keeping with the character of both the building and the area. You should take care to match original materials and methods of construction and avoid damaging or removing features of historic or architectural value. Planning permission may be required for these works, including any demolition.

Being in a conservation area might mean that your house is affected by special additional controls (called 'Article 4 Directions'), which restrict work you can normally do without planning permission such as replacing a door or window or altering gutters and downpipes.

There are two Article 4 Directions in East Staffordshire:-

Not all properties are affected but you should check with the council before carrying out any such works to your property, as planning permission may be required.