You can view planning applications by using any of the routes detailed below.

Specific Planning Application

If you have a reference number, you can search for a specific planning application.

General Planning Application Search

You can use our planning explorer to search for planning applications where you're not sure of the application number, for example by address or ward. You can also search for recent decisions and undecided applications.

If you do not know the application number please perform a general planning application search.

Online Mapping System

You can view planning data on our online mapping system. For example you can view Planning history from 1974, along with Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas and Tree Preservation orders.

Weekly list of Planning Applications

You can view our weekly list of planning applications, published every Monday.

Comment on a Planning Application

If you would like to comment on a planning application please go to our comment on a planning application page for more information.

View Planning Appeals

You can view appeals lodged with the Planning Inspectorate by using the Planning Explorer. Select 'Planning Appeals' and the explorer will explain what you should do next.

Alternatively, you can access the report presented to the Planning Applications Committee of Appeals Received, Withdrawn and Determined together with a diary for Public Inquiries and Informal Hearings. The diary will inform you when and where the inquiries and hearings will take place. The 'Report' section includes the Appeals Report. Select 'Appeals Received, Withdrawn and Determined'.

The Appeals Report is available one week before the Committee date.

Further information on Appeals and how to make an online appeal is available on the Planning Portal website.

In terms of any ‘appeal’ against the determination of an application by a Local Planning Authority you have a right to challenge the lawfulness of a decision via Judicial Review. This is dealt with by the Administrative Court and they can review the lawfulness of a decision, action or failure to act in relation to the exercise of a public function - in this case, a planning decision. If permission is granted to proceed, the Judicial Review will be decided by a judge at the High Court. An application for Judicial Review of a decision must be made within six weeks of the decision - GOV.UK

Please Note: - Planning Appeals are determined by the Planning Inspectorate and not the local authority.


Planning data protection and copyright

Data protection and copyright

The Council is fully committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals, including staff, contractors, service users and others, by ensuring lawful use of their personal data in accordance with the Act.  The Council will take all necessary steps to implement this policy and to ensure that all staff are fully aware of it and abide by it. The applicants name and address will be displayed on the website, site notice and publicity notice.  Information relating to Planning applications will be held indefinitely in order to maintain the planning register.

When viewing planning applications the data is publicly available for the purposes of holding a planning register which is a legal requirement and should not be used for any other purpose. Plans, drawings and materials submitted to the Council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes; to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed together with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

Please note: Information submitted on the Planning Application Form and supporting information will be published on the website.