The vehicle proprietor must sign all applications for a new vehicle licence. Any application not signed by the proprietor will not be accepted. In addition, the operator of the firm for which the vehicle will be used must sign the application form for a new Private Hire Vehicle.

Application form

Download an application form for a new Private Hire Vehicle licence
Private Hire Vehicle Specifications

The following documentation is required for the issue of a vehicle licence:

  • Compliance test pass certificate not more than 14 days old
  • Vehicle insurance certificate or cover note, which must cover the vehicle for “Public hire” if hackney carriage, or “Private Hire” if private hire or in any case for “hire or reward”
  • Vehicle V5 document (log book).  If the full (V5) logbook document cannot be produced on application it must be produced to the Licensing Office within 30 days of submitting the application.  Failure to do so may result in the vehicle being cancelled
  • Vehicle licence application fee
  • Vehicle insurance certificate or cover note, which must cover the vehicle for “Public hire” if Hackney Carriage, or “Private Hire” if private hire or in any case for “hire or reward”.
  • Applications will not be accepted until original documents have been produced.