Taxi licences

Private hire, Hackney carriage or Combined drivers

All people wishing to drive a private Hire/Hackney Carriage vehicle must hold a private hire/hackney carriage or combined drivers licence before doing so. To be able to apply for a licence you must have been driving for a minimum of 12 months.

Private Hire/Hackney carriage vehicles

All vehicles used for Private Hire/Hackney carriage work must be licensed - Private Hire Vehicles can take bookings at the base only – these vehicles cannot pick up off the ranks or off the street. All Private Hire Vehicles have 2 licence plates issued by the Council, one on the front bumper and one on the rear bumper. Hackney Carriages have to be wheelchair accessible they can wait on ranks, pick up fares off the street, or they can work dual-purposely and take bookings through a base. These vehicle display one plate on the rear bumper.

Private Hire Operators

All persons who make provisions for the invitation or acceptance of bookings for a Private Hire Vehicle will require a Private Hire Operators Licence.