This page contains a record of executive decision records taken by officers and members under delegated powers from the Cabinet.

A list of Council Executive Decision Records (EDRs) is provided below. You can find an EDR by searching for the date it was signed or by the category of the EDR.

EDR Block
EDR Title Category Date
080.19 Housing Enforcement Policy Housing
078.19 Cash Collection Contract Finance
038.19 Tree Management Policy Other
070.19 Deed of Variation and Licence for Alterations at Burton Place Shopping Centre Other
073.19 Housing Choice SPD Planning and Regeneration
072.19 Renewal of lease Brewhouse Voluntary Service Section Sports and Cultural Services
036.19 Closure of Library Car Park Parking
040.19 National Forest S106 Financial Contribution Planning and Regeneration
034.19 Contribution towards a Study of the Ivanhoe Line Planning and Regeneration
032.19 Housing First Rough Sleeping Intervention Housing