We are celebrating East Staffordshire citizens who are doing something amazing for the environment.

Below are the stories of individuals, families and community groups who have gone above and beyond, are passionate about doing something for the planet, or are simply doing their bit in difficult circumstances.

We started fixing things

A group of enthusiastic menders, fixers and all round handy folk keen to save as many items as they can from going to landfill have come together to run a Repair Room.

Run from the Globe Eco Centre, the group has formed a Repair Room which is a free monthly event where people can bring their broken items to be looked at and hopefully be fixed. 

Kate Copeland, the founder of the Globe Foundation says:

“We aim to save as many items as we can from going to landfill - saving our users money, reducing waste and carbon, and building a strong community bond.

"It is a great community event, and we have seen demand steadily grow over the last 12 months with over 200 items coming through the repair room doors, clothing being a very popular repair item, especially broken zips!”

The Repair Room is open for anyone to use and the repair service is FREE, they only ask users to cover the cost of any replacement parts or materials as required, but the cost is always discussed up front, and any donations are gratefully received!

Clothing, furniture, electrical items, and leather are just some of the other things they can look at repairing. Items successfully fixed include:

  • Clothing (dresses shortened, zips replaced, tears patched)
  • Hoovers
  • Small furniture (Wicket chairs, side tables, dolls houses, bird feeders)
  • Small electrical items (Such as lamps, coffee machines, and kettles)
  • Small wooden items such as fixing hinges and clasps
  • Leather straps and holdalls

There is also a pop-up café that runs alongside the Repair Room, serving coffee, tea, hot chocolate and delicious cakes to enjoy whilst you visit! 

The team are always looking for new faces to join them so if you have a special set of repairing skills or simply looking to be involved in any way do get in touch with them.

The Repair Room is held on the last Friday of every month at the Globe Eco Centre, Church Street, Uttoxeter, ST14 8AG.