This page provides links to information to help tenants.

  1. Housing Benefit - If you will need Housing Benefit, you need to find out the maximum amount - called the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rate - which will apply to you before you look for a home
  2. How to find somewhere to live in East Staffordshire
  3. How to apply to become a tenant of a housing association in East Staffordshire
  4. Rent Deposit Scheme
  5. How to Rent is a booklet that landlords should give to tenants at the start of a tenancy
  6. How to Rent a Safe Home explains makes a home safe
  7. The Rights and Responsibilities of all tenants are set out on the Government's website
  8. Eviction from your home
  9. Homelessness, Harassment and Illegal Eviction are unpleasant experiences when they happen so it is useful to understand the relevant rules.
  10. Tenant Support Services
  11. Help with the rent - if your income is low you may be entitled to Housing Benefit
  12. Private Tenants information about renting and rent levels

If you need further advice, please contact the Housing Options Team on 01283 508120