At the interview
The process will be quicker if you bring some documents listed on the Housing Options web page
If we say we can help you
If the council accepts that it has a duty to continue housing you, you may have to stay in temporary accommodation until it offers you somewhere more long-term or 'settled'.
If we say we can't help you
You can challenge the council’s decision. If you think the council's decision is wrong, write to us or contact an independent local advice centre like the Citizens Advice Bureau as soon as you can.
After the interview
Usually we give you a personal housing plan.
After this we make a decision about your homelessness.
Whether you obtain alternative housing from a housing association will depend on its availability and the Allocations Policy.
If the Council finds that you are homeless and as a result you receive a higher banding under thing Allocations Policy, you will need to be registered on the Housing Register, so it is a good idea to apply to Trent and Dove early in the process so that your name is already on the Housing Register.