Being homeless means:

You don't have a home.

  • You don’t have to be living on the streets to be homeless
  • You don’t have to be without a roof over your head to be homeless

Most people who are legally homeless are not on the streets.  Most people also need advice when they are homeless. 


Any of these might be the case:-

  • You are street homeless
  • At home you suffer from violence or abuse, from:
    • Your Partner
    • Ex-Partner
    • Family Member
    • Anyone else

The Council may ask you to provide details of incidents where there has been violence or abuse.  We won't turn you away if you haven't reported it to the police.

  • You're at risk of losing your home
    • You can't afford to stay where you are
    • Your accommodation is very temporary
    • You are staying with friends or 'sofa surfing'
    • You've been locked out or illegally evicted
  • Your accommodation has been prohibited as housing
    • This means the Council has said it's in such poor condition it's not fit to live in
  • You can't live together with your partner or close family
  • You have a houseboat or caravan but nowhere to put it

These are just examples. 

Please feel free to contact the Housing Options Team to discuss your specific situation. 

Being homeless

Get advice from the Council's Housing Options Team

You will have a homelessness appointment if you are homeless now or at risk of becoming homeless within 56 days - this is set out in the Homelessness Reduction Act

You can bring a support worker or friend with you in to the interview. 

Normally the appointment lasts over an hour, so you will be given an appointment a few days ahead. 

In the meantime, please feel free to ask for more help if you have nowhere to live. 

A Homelessness Appointment

At the interview

The process will be quicker if you bring some documents listed on the Housing Options web page

If we say we can help you

If the council accepts that it has a duty to continue housing you, you may have to stay in temporary accommodation until it offers you somewhere more long-term or 'settled'.

If we say we can't help you

You can challenge the council’s decision. If you think the council's decision is wrong, write to us or contact an independent local advice centre like the Citizens Advice Bureau as soon as you can.

After the interview

Usually we give you a personal housing plan

After this we make a decision about your homelessness.  

Whether you obtain alternative housing from a housing association will depend on its availability and the Allocations Policy

If the Council finds that you are homeless and as a result you receive a higher banding under thing Allocations Policy, you will need to be registered on the Housing Register, so it is a good idea to apply to Trent and Dove early in the process so that your name is already on the Housing Register. 

Other Support

If you are not eligible for homelessness support from the council, you may still be able to access:

  • Help from social services when homeless: if you have children or additional needs you may be able to get support from Staffordshire Social Care and Health
  • Short-term emergency housing.
  • Support in finding private rented accommodation