Why do I need to register?

Over recent years there has been a number of outbreaks of Legionnaires’ Disease associated with wet cooling systems (cooling towers and evaporative condensers or wet air conditioning units), which have often resulted in serious cases of infection and fatalities in about 12% of cases. Such outbreaks also give rise to considerable public concern and take up significant enforcing authority resources.

Do I need to register?

If you operate or have a cooling tower or evaporative condenser present on your premises, you will need to register if one of the following applies:

the main purpose of the cooling tower is to cool water by direct contact between that water and ambient air (open to the atmosphere)

the main purpose of the evaporative condenser is to cool fluid by passing that fluid through a heat exchanger which is itself cooled by contact with water passing through ambient air (open to the atmosphere).

What legislation applies?

Notification of Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers Regulations 1992

The purpose for the registration is to identify where potential sources of risk are located and allow for easier identification, monitoring and inspection by the enforcing authorities.

Although the council keeps a register of cooling towers and evaporative condensers, we may not be the enforcing authority for health and safety matters at the premises. Health and Safety may be enforced by the HSE depending on the main work activity carried out at the premises.

Cooling towers registration

General Advice

What are the conditions of registration?

You must provide notification before the cooling tower or evaporative condenser is located on the premises.

How will my application be determined? There is currently no provision in legislation for determining notifications. However, when you register your cooling tower(s) and/or evaporative condenser(s), your details will be kept on a public register.

How much will it cost? No fees are currently charged for cooling tower and evaporative condenser registration.

Do I need to provide further information or evidence?

No further information or evidence needs to be supplied after your application.

How long will it take you to process my registration?

We will process your registration within 7 working days. If acknowledgement of receipt or your application has not been processed against the times above, please contact us.

Will tacit consent apply?

Yes, tacit consent will apply. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from us by the end of the target completion period.

If my registration is refused, how do I appeal?

There is currently no provision in legislation for refusal of registration. Once we receive your registration, we will register your cooling tower(s) and/or evaporative condenser(s).

How do I tell you about a change that may affect my registration?

You must contact us if circumstances change regarding:

  • the address where the cooling tower or evaporative condenser is located
  • the name, address and telephone number of the person who has control of the premises where it is located
  • the number of cooling towers or evaporative condensers increases or decreases or its position changes
  • the cooling tower or evaporative condenser is removed or decommissioned
  • the water treatment arrangements are changed

What if I have a complaint or concern?

If you have a complaint or concern about a cooling tower or evaporative condenser or believe the cooling tower or evaporative condenser has not been registered, contact us.

If you are in the UK, advice is available from adviceguide

If you are outside the UK, advice if available from the UK European Consumer Centre

Can I view a public register of notifications online?

Please view the Cooling Towers Register

Health and Safety Team Contact

Health and Safety Team contact information

  • 01283 508578
  • health.safety@eaststaffsbc.gov.uk

Health and Safety Team,
East Staffordshire Borough Council
PO Box 8045
Burton upon Trent,
DE14 9JG
United Kingdom