Please see our licensing fees page.
A Premises Licence is required for any premises where it is intended to provide gambling facilities. The types of Licence available are as follows:
- Casino Premises Licence
- Bingo Premises Licence
- Adult Gaming Centre Premises Licence (For over 18’s only enabling Category B3 gaming machines and an unlimited number of Category C and D to be made available for use at the premises)
- Family Entertainment Centre Premises Licence (enabling Category C and D gaming machines to be made available for use at the premises)
- Betting Premises Licence (enabling the provision of facilities for betting, by making or accepting bets or by acting as a betting intermediary)
Except in the case of a track, a Premises Licence may not authorise the use of premises for activities of more than one of the types listed above. A Licence may not be issued in respect of premises if those premises already have a Premises Licence in effect.
In addition, there are Unlicensed Family Entertainment Centres, which only need a Permit but are limited to making available Category D gaming machines. (See annex 1 for gaming machine categories)
An application for a Premises Licence may only be made by persons (which includes companies or partnerships):-
- who have the right to occupy the premises; and
- who have an Operating Licence which allows him/her to carry out the proposed activity, or have applied for an Operating Licence (the Premises Licence may only be issued once the Operating Licence has been issued) from the Gambling Commission
- over the age of 18.
It should be noted that “premises” includes ‘any place’ in particular vehicles and vessels.
When applying to the Licensing Authority for a premises licence the following must be submitted:-
- A completed premises licence application form;
- A plan of the premises which includes some basic information about the situation and layout of the premises;
- The prescribed application fee.
Once you have sent your completed application, with all the necessary documentation to the Licensing Section and the notices to the statutory consultees, the statutory consultees then have 28 days to make any representations to the Licensing Section. You will also have to advertise your application (if varying or applying for a new licence), allowing interested parties an opportunity to comment on your application.
How much will it cost?
Apply for a Premises Licence
How long will it take to process my application?
The Licensing Authority will endeavour to acknowledge receipt of your application within five working days.
If no representations are made to the application the licence will be granted on expiry of the consultation period.
If relevant representations are made the application will be referred to the Licensing and Gambling Sub Committee for consideration. The applicant will be given notice of the hearing date.
Will tacit consent apply?
Yes. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from the local authority by the end of the target completion period.
If my application is refused how do I appeal?
Please contact us in the first instance for details of how to appeal.
If an application for a licence is refused the failed applicant can appeal. Appeals are made to a Magistrates' court within 21 days of notice of the decision.
What if I have a complaint or concern?
If you have a complaint or concern about a Premises Licence please contact us.
General advice
If you are in the UK, advice is available from Consumer Direct.
If you are outside the UK, advice if available from the UK European Consumer Centre.
Can I view a public register on line?
No. The register is available for inspection in person, by appointment only, at Millers Lane, Burton upon Trent. Alternatively, requests can be made for extracts of the register to be sent via post or e-mail. However a charge may be made for this service.
Licensing contact information
- 01283 508310