Latest from Eaststaffs

Small and start-up businesses around East Staffordshire are being encouraged to take full advantage of a number of trade offers available at Burton Market Hall, all thanks to the national Love Your Local Market campaign.

A County wide partnership to get more money and support to businesses needing help during and after the pandemic has invested over £304,000 in the East Staffordshire Borough.

Following a recent incident in which a Burton based taxi driver was assaulted, Councillor George Allen, Leader of East Staffordshire Borough Council, invited Staffordshire Police and local Councillors to discuss how the Council can help protect taxi drivers and members of the public.

Following a recent incident in which a Burton based taxi driver was assaulted, Councillor George Allen, Leader of East Staffordshire Borough Council, invited Staffordshire Police and local Councillors to discuss how the Council can help protect taxi drivers and members of the public.

With less than a week until the extended bank holiday celebrating the 70 year reign of Her Majesty Elizabeth II, the countdown is well and truly on to The Big Burton Jubilee. 

The Brewhouse Arts Centre in Burton upon Trent has recently announced its summer programme, which features a wide range of shows, events, workshops and exhibitions. 

East Staffordshire Borough Council is seeking to create a new tourism partnership for the Borough. 

The first meeting of the new East Staffordshire Tourism Partnership is due to take place on Thursday 9th June.

East Staffordshire Borough Council issued payments on 13 May 2022 totalling over £4.2m to more than 28,000 Council Tax payers eligible for the Council Tax Energy Rebate of £150 per household.

East Staffordshire Borough Council is looking for public feedback on a longlist of 11 intervention themes that could be considered for the Council’s bid to the second round of the Levelling Up Fund (LUF2) on 6th July 2022.

East Staffordshire Borough Council has provided an update on Council Tax Energy Rebates.