If you are a housing association tenant in East Staffordshire and your housing benefit has been reduced since 1st April 2013 because you have more bedrooms than you are allowed under the new social sector size criteria rules, this page will help you decide what to do.
You are responsible for paying to your landlord the difference between the full rent and your reduced housing benefit.
Whilst you live in your current home you will need to use some of your other income to pay this amount, perhaps with help from other household members. If you can keep doing this then you do not need to consider other options. However if it is going to be a struggle there are a number of options available to you as follows.
Remember the rules that have changed are housing benefit rules. Hence they will no longer affect you if you can get work or earn more so that you no longer need to claim housing benefit.
You can also earn a small weekly amount to help you pay the rent without it affecting your housing benefit; £5 if you are single, £10 as a couple, £20 if you are disabled or a carer, £25 as a lone parent.
For advice about money problems see financial difficulties.