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Giving an area 'conservation area' status helps us to safeguard the special character and appearance of historic areas of the Borough for future generations.

There are currently 25 conservation areas and three Article 4 areas in East Staffordshire.

These areas are varied in character, but all buildings, structures or features of historic or architectural value combine to create a unique environment and sense of place.

Statutory planning powers under planning law help us:

  • Provide and support high quality development proposals within a conservation area
  • Control demolition (unless the demolition and redevelopment would bring an enhancement to the character and setting to the conservation area)
  • Protect trees from harmful works
  • Control advertisements and provide suitable illumination of signage
  • Carry out urgent work necessary to preserve any vacant unlisted building that has fallen into serious disrepair, and to recover costs from the owner.

Designating a conservation area

We have a duty to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of each conservation area, under the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (as amended) and our own historic environment policies contained in the local plan.

While we are ultimately responsible for deciding whether an area should be given conservation area status, the decision is only taken after extensive research through a conservation area appraisal and consultation with people living and owning property in the area.

Conservation Area Appraisals and Conservation Area Designation Documents