To support the formulation of options for future development, the development of planning policies and to satisfy the requirement to ensure the Plan is underpinned by a sound evidence base, there are a number of studies, assessments and background documents that underpin the adopted Local Plan for East Staffordshire.
***Use of any licensed data is subject to terms and conditions***Housing
These documents provide information about the housing market, and the housing development land supply. This includes information relating to housing affordability and Gypsy & Traveller needs.
These documents provide the baseline evidence relating to Flood Risk, water, Green Infrastructure, heritage assets and landscape quality issues in East Staffordshire.
Economic vibrancy
In this section you will find documents related to the creating of a vibrant economic climate including Employment Land review, Settlement Hierarchy and Retail and Leisure Study
Health and wellbeing
The Planning system has a key role to play in enabling and supporting healthier lifestyles, including access to open space, and provision of opportunities to enjoy formal or informal sport, including indoor and outdoor sport and swimming as well as recreation.
This page provides evidence on how the local plan might be delivered. Documents on this page include, Transportation Study and Community Infrastructure Levy.
- Infrastructure evidence base documents
- East Staffordshire Integrated Transport Strategy 2014
- Walking and Cycling Mapping [External Link]
Burton Town Centre
As the main town in the Borough, Burton has a key role to play in the economic health and success of the Borough as a whole. The documents on this page include the Burton Area Action Plan, Masterplan, Town Centre Strategic Framework and Public Realm Implementation Plan.
Historic Environment
These documents provide the baseline evidence relating to the historic environment including Conservation Area Appraisals, heritage assets, extensive urban surveys, historic environment character assessments and farmsteads.
- Historic environment evidence base documents
- Conservation Area Appraisals
- Extensive Urban Surveys [External Link]
- Village Design Statements
Other Evidence Base
These documents provide the Council's corporate documents that may relate to the Local Plan.