East Staffordshire Borough Council is committed to the creation of a fairer East Staffordshire for everyone.  We understand that we have a lead role to play in making the borough a place where everyone has equal life chances.  We are committed to delivering services fairly to all sections of the community and employing people in a way that promotes equality and challenges inequality.  We recognise that fair recruitment and selection practices are crucial to delivering equality of opportunity. 

Applicants with Disabilities – Disability Confident Employer

East Staffordshire Borough Council is a Level 2 accredited Disability Confident Employer, which means we have made five commitments relating to the employment of people with disabilities.  These commitments are:

  • To interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for a job vacancy and to consider them on their abilities;
  • To discuss with disabled employees, at any time, but at least once a year, what both parties can do to make sure disabled employees can develop and use their abilities;
  • To make every effort when employees become disabled to make sure they stay in employment;
  • To take action to ensure that all employees develop the appropriate level of disability awareness needed to make these commitments work;
  • To review these commitments each year and assess what has been achieved, plan ways to improve on them, and let employees and Jobcentre Plus know about progress and future plans. 

Workforce Policies

East Staffordshire Borough Council is committed to equal treatment in employment and the elimination of discrimination.  This applies at all stages of employment and prospective employment, including recruitment and selection, learning and development, career development, working relationships, redundancy and retirement. The Council is committed to treating part-time staff as equitably as full-time staff. 

We recognise that many employees have demanding and important roles outside work and have introduced flexible working arrangements to enable employees to meet both their personal and professional needs (see the Benefits and Rewards page). 

We are fully committed to promoting a good and harmonious working environment where employees, service users and customers are treated with respect and dignity and in which no-one feels threatened or intimidated for any reason. This is facilitated by our Dignity at Work policy, the aim of which is to prevent harassment and provide guidance to resolve any problems should they occur, and prevent recurrence.  Harassment at work in any form is unacceptable behaviour and will not be permitted or condoned.