East Staffordshire Borough Council is undertaking an assessment of the level of demand for self build and custom build housing development in the Borough. The terms ‘self build’ and ‘custom build’ are used to describe instances where individuals or groups are involved in creating their own home.

Routes to building your own home

Self Build

  • Self build one-off home - An individual purchases a plot of land and manages the design and construction process. They may undertake a fair proportion of the actual building work, or employ a builder, architect and in some cases, a project manager.
  • Contractor built one-off home - An individual manages the design process, and selects a contractor who will then take care of the construction work.
  • Kit home - An individual selects a home from commercially available kits; the kit company then manufactures the home in their factory before bringing it to the site and putting the kit together. The buyer may have to organise the foundations.
  • Independent community self build - A group of people come together to design and develop a custom build housing development which they then live in. They may build this themselves or with help from a developer to manage the project.
  • Supported community self build group -  A local landlord or the Community Self Build Agency helps a group of people build a number of homes together.

Custom Build

  • Developer built one-off home - A developer with a site and a design the individual likes takes care of everything; to save costs, the owner could finish it themselves.
  • Developer-led group project - A developer organises a group and builds the homes; often, to save costs, the self builders finish them off. This gives people a chance to tailor existing house designs to suit their own preference and needs.

About the Register

The Government wants to enable more people to build or commission their own home. The self build and custom build register will provide an indication of the demand for self and custom build in East Staffordshire. Additionally it will allow the Council to develop policies to support the kinds of self and custom build projects that would be most appropriate for this area.

Registering your interest for self and custom build in East Staffordshire

If you would like to register your interest, please complete the registration form (please note the registration form is in development).